Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday morning update

Rachel had a rougher night.  As the anesthesia has worn off, she has become more aware of the pain.  She is complaining of significant headache, neck pain, back pain, nausea- all to be expected after the surgery.  It’s all a part of the process, but painful to watch her endure nonetheless.  She will get an MRI later this morning.   The nurse tried to sit her up for a couple minutes this morning.  They will try sitting her up again later today.   She had some jello and applesauce this morning and was able to get up to use the restroom.  


  1. I can’t believe the progress after such a huge surgery... I mean this is essentially her second day and she was able to sit up and go to the bathroom. What?!? What an amazing fighter!
    Hope they can manage her pain so she has a restful night.
    Love to you all,

  2. Hang in there, Rachel! This is likely the worst part of recovery; I would expect you to feel a lot better in 24-48 hours. You're making great progress! Continuing to pray for you!

  3. Keep strong Rachel! Sending lots of positivity and love to you and your family. -Annabelle Martineau

  4. You’re amazing Rachel! Baby steps and you seem to be making giant steps. Continuing prayers. Love and hugs coming your way.
    Lisa and Don

  5. This sounds like real progress. Hard-won progress, but progress nonetheless. How glad we are that Rachel is strong and determined! God bless you. We are praying (and cheering) for you.
    Rob and Judi


2 Year Post

 2 years post surgery day! There is just so much to celebrate and be thankful for! I think back even a year ago, and think about how much be...